Sep 5, 2019 | Family and Child Therapy, Individual Therapy
“You are going to miss this!” Parents often hear this lovely sentiment when they are up-to-their-ears in diapers and vomit, have no time to shower or watch a show, and are simply exhausted. Yes, this well-intentioned advice is usually offered at a time...
Oct 4, 2017 | Book Recommendations, Books on Family and Kids, Family and Child Therapy
Divorce Poison by Dr. RIchard Warshak – Divorce often results in a child alienating one of their parents for myriad reasons. This book guides divorcing parents in how to divorce well, implement damage control, and help your children heal. Stepcoupling by Susan...
Sep 21, 2017 | Family and Child Therapy
Congratulations parents of high school seniors! You are almost there – you are approaching the finish line of successfully launching your child into the real world. Read the whole post at...
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